12 Week Online Body Transformation Program - Advanced

personal trainer, personal training, lose weight, weight loss, fat loss, workout, fitness, plan, program, nutrition, meal plan, overland park, kansas city, los angeles, california
personal trainer, personal training, lose weight, weight loss, fat loss, workout, fitness, plan, program, nutrition, meal plan, overland park, kansas city, los angeles, california

12 Week Online Body Transformation Program - Advanced


Program includes full one-on-one access to your trainer, customized nutrition program, fitness program, supplement guidance, progress check-ins, private nutrition coaching, and adjustments to ensure results.




  • Full one-on-one access to your trainer

  • Customized nutrition plan

  • Full-body strength training plan

  • Supplement guidance

  • Progress check-ins with adjustments

  • Body composition analysis

  • Cardio progression plan


This online program is customized specifically to your body and is calculated based off your metabolic rate, body statistics, and overall health goals.


Initial Consultation: A one-on-one 30-minute online consultation with your trainer to discuss goals & to gather all information your trainer needs to create your customized online weight-loss program.

Initial Program Review Session: A one-on-one 30-minute online session with your trainer to go over your customized program and prepare for your initial program start. 

Customized Macronutrient Based Nutrition Program: A customized nutrition plan calculated based off your body statistics and overall health goals including macronutrient breakdown, nutrient timing, macronutrient quantities, and caloric distribution.

Macronutrient Substitution Plan: To identify macronutrient quantities needed to achieve total-body weight loss and learn how to properly make substitutions into your weight loss program.

Customized Full-Body Strength Training Plan: Customized full-body strength training plan includes all strength training workouts for each week developed around your overall goals and strength training experience. Workouts are developed at an advanced level and can be customized for the gym or for home (please note, home workouts require basic strength training equipment).

Customized Cardio Progression Plan: Customized cardio progression plan developed based off your current activity level and endurance level. Plan progresses in type, duration, and intensity to ensure consistent weight-loss results. 

Supplement Guidance: Supplement guidance detailing the most important supplements, vitamins, and micronutrients the body needs to maximize results, including timing and quantities. Supplement guidance is optional and is not necessary to your weight-loss success. 

Progress Check-Ins: Progress check-ins every 3-4 weeks with your trainer to discuss your body statistics, overall progress, and any adjustments to the program based on progress.

Full Trainer Access: Full access to your trainer throughout the duration of your training program to provide accountability, ensure you are making progress, and to make program adjustments on an ongoing basis.